One year Later...
New blog, who dis.
I could contemplate on 2020: written by Zac Snyder, but instead I shall look forward to 2021 with no remorse. Like many others, this year I have goals to attain and a lot to consider coming from last year’s Thunderdome-like demeanor. Can it be done, yes. Just have to push. I am grateful for the amount of art I was able to indulge in this year considering -points at the world. But! Efforts shall be made to continue to give a little artistic flair when possible.
I’m hoping to delve more into fitness photography, as well as more sessions with couples and engagement opportunities. I love seeing how different couples show their love for each other, and it’s always a fun time. I want to also step more into boudoir photography. With the help of some local photographers, I am confident this can be done; again I just have to push. Looking forward to this new year and the future of what I’m looking to capture. My photography has always been a fun, artistic world and I can’t believe it’s even come this far. Let’s see how much further I can go. ^^
….Also, some images added from 2020 sessions because they’re a lot prettier than I am.