Bridal Photography Session | Denver CO
Love is love. It’s as simple as that--full stop.
As I try to gain more experience into wedding photography and couples’ sessions, I have found that getting noticed by potential clients can be difficult when you do not have the content to share. I have been wanting to do more themed shoots in general, and they are great for this purpose in particular as they allow you to showcase your vision and get some great examples for your portfolio. So, we set out to do just that!
The idea for this wedding-themed shoot came very naturally. I approached the would-be bride model, Kate, about the idea, but hit a bit if a wall when I could not think of a groom that would fit my idea--so we changed it and booked Andrea as her spouse for this shoot! Andrea was truly a magic choice that brought life and warmth to the whole shoot. She is a delight to work with and the two of them together are adorable, hysterical, and lovely.
I am so proud of what we were able to create together. Along with the fun and happiness we had together, I think showcasing this type of wedding shoot is particularly important right now. There needs to be more content that showcases more LGBTQ+ representation in a positive and love-affirming way, and I am proud to be a part of spreading the love as best I can.
Models: Kate Bordeaux and Andrea Schiffbauer
Incredibly gorgeous dress designed by: James Etc./JSR Hair Design